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To Be Continued...........
"Design slightly angled sloped movement ---- Ramps as guide for the whole library"
Dutch Embassy
Seattle Library
Casa Da Musica
  • Ramps as part of circulation for walking through the whole building
  • Wide path bring people up
  • Wrap circulation with pop-out window
  • Floors are slight sloped ramps for books spiral
  • Design ramps firstly, which lead to elevators to arrange scaffolding
  • Ramps are guide and floors for activities rather than connection
"Reflection of Mid Project"
1. What is your key Concept?
The library shows the moment that it is disintegrating and regenerating at the same time.

2. Why have you chosen your key concept for the State Library of Victoria Redesign?
Framework and scaffolding are variable and embedded in old library for new needs and maintaining traditional function of original library. Disintegration is a useful technique to make library more public in urban planning.

3. What is your attitude to heritage and preservation?
Preserve the tranditional part and build new structures on top blending with original one for new needs.

4. How would you describe your architectural language?
External walls are disintegrating and internal floor plates and structure exposes. At the same time, historical rotunda is revealing in constructivism style. Scaffolds are always changing and alive for new needs of people.
5. What are the main civic offerings of your building?

Demolish parts of library faced to La Trobe St, Little Lonsdale St and Russell St to create direst access though library and connect city blocks and make these sides of library more transparent and welcoming.

6. What is your proposition for the typology of the library in the 21st Century?
The scaffolding always changes with the different architectural needs. Staggered platforms areconnected by staircases for hierarchy​
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