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"5 Concepts"

"Plan & Section" ---- Zaha Hadid Architects - Library and Learning Centre University of Economics, Vienna – 2013

"Plan & Section" ---- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe - The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, Washington DC – 1972

"Developed 3 Concept"

Disintegrating and Cutting

The library shows the moment that it is disintegrating and rebuild at the same time. There are only framework and scaffolding and they are inhabitable. Disintegrating, corrosion, trim create access through library.

Integrating modern and historical style from exterior to interior

Modern Large black volume that is perched over the roof and cantilevers out. Follow the topography of the site to design contour of terrace from exterior to interior at the entrance.

Revealing historical library

In the timeline of library’s evolution, there are many buildings and architectural elements demolished. Revealing historical library is to redesign these historical library parts into different functions to bring people back to historical moment.

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